Dear EVERI-one,
Since March, the unprecedented effects of COVID-19 pandemic have been the primary focus of all of our lives, with its impacts on the health, safety, and social and economic well-being, of our families, our colleagues, our customers and vendors. In the last few weeks, we and our customers have been quickly re-emerging from COVID-induced hibernation, with initial reports indicating that the industry may be on its way to recovery. We were all adapting to what we believe will be the “new normal”.
However, over the last several days, we are now challenged with yet another extraordinary crisis that must be confronted with no less of our focus and energy than we have devoted to our pandemic response and recovery plans. The killings of George Floyd, Ahmed Aubrey, Breonna Taylor and countless others who have lost their lives because of the color of their skin, has sparked a renewed national discussion about the unacceptable everyday injustices experienced by members of our communities of color. The overt and systemic racism and discrimination that have been the collective experience of Black Americans are not our Everi values. We unequivocally condemn intolerance in any form and stand for the principle that all people are worthy of the same human dignity. Everi-one means “everyone,” and we are stronger for the diversity of experiences that come from the many races, religions and backgrounds that comprise our Everi family.
Today we stand as one with our Black colleagues, customers, and communities, and all those that march in peaceful protest, advocating positive social change. We also stand beside those law enforcement officers who are truly dedicated to protect and serve all in their communities equally and without regard to the color of their skin. Just as we do not condone racism and discrimination in any manner, we also do not condone the violence, the looting and the destruction of property that has marred the efforts to promote positive change.
COVID-19 has already posed the hardest challenges of our work lives, and now we are asking you to reach just a little bit deeper and aim even higher. There are no easy solutions to social injustice. We must remain vigilant, aware and active in our commitment to change the status quo and live the spirit of the Declaration of Independence that we are created equal, endowed with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This too should and can be part of our “new normal”.
This is the Everi way.
Stay safe,